In the present situation, every single person gets scared of the name of covid19. Today I am sharing some points about immunity in my blog. Researchers find that if we want to escape from this dangerous virus then we will have to boost our immunity so for this we should eat those foods which can boost our immunity and we should do also those activity which can boost our immunity and stay us fit .yoga, dance is stayed us fit and young also so we should adopt these activities.

Our immunity is not only a result of good genetics, but a lot depends on stress, nutrition, exercise, and medication. The immune system is like the defense force of the body, which protects it from external toxins, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses as well as fights back and protects us from any trouble that brews within. Even the most health conscious people fall ill. However, by fine tuning certain aspects of our lifestyle, we can strengthen the immunity and protect ourselves from premature aging and degenerative diseases.

Diet & Immunity-:

     Like most of our organs, the basic composition of immune bodies is protein. Protein can be supplied through dairy products, lean meat, fish, and pulses. Amongst dairy products, curd and yogurt have particularly been in the limelight for its ability to enhance immune function. The gut-friendly bacteria present in curds enhances 'the intestinal cells’ ability to release immunoglobulins and protect against various infections. Although our forefathers lacked the scientific knowledge, they were definitely right about having at least one source of fermented milk in each meal. Plant foods are naturally gifted with a host of immune modulating compounds.


For the immune system to work properly, it requires a whole range of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C, E, carotenoids, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium working in concert with each other. Although no single food contains all these nutrients, some foods are concentrated sources of these nutrients. Vitamin C, the ultimate immune booster is found in many foods other than citrus foods like chilies, guava, tomato, and melons. It increases the production of infection fighting white blood cells and cell surface coating interferon which prevents entry of virus.


You need a minimum dose of 100IU to get some protection against heart attacks. But a dosage of 400 IU is preferred to block LDL cholesterol oxidation. If you are hypertensive or if you are on anticoagulated drugs or if you have any type of bleeding problem, then you must check with your docter before taking vitamin 'E' Supplements.


Since Vitamin E is fat soluble and primarily comes from plants it is concentrated in Vegetable oils, groundnuts, almonds, soybean, wheat germ, cashewnuts, coconut etc. It is advisable to take it in the form of a pill rather than bank on natural sources because one would have to eat two cups of peanuts daily to get the RDA (Required daily allowance) for Vitamin E. The calorie value of the diet would then become unreasonably high.

Eat curds regularly-:

The bacteria in curd boost immune functioning. Eating curds daily increases infection fighting capacity and also provides your body with valuable calcium.

Tips to preserve immunity -:

1.Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. They contain Vitamin C necessary to boost immunity and a host of other known and unknown antioxidants which work together to prevent aging and preserve immunity.

2.Take a vitamin pills daily.

3. By feeding your cells with antioxidants you can easily slow down aging and preserve your immunity.

4.Take antioxidants like Vitamin A, selenium, chromium, zinc, Vitamin C and E daily either in the natural form or in a pill form.

5.Antioxidants prevent aginng by nutrifying radical attacks 

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